Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Maui Jim Surf Monkey

Chris had a conference in Carlsbad, just on the coast. Our hotel was really nice and had a direct link with Legoland. We didn't go, but Legoland sure looks fun. We did a little 5k that Saturday. We haven't done any races in a while and it's taken longer than we thought to get in our groove here in Cali, so we were glad to have a little competition, even though it was small and we didn't win anything. Those who did win won a giant surfing monkey as a trophy. Along with the 5k run people could compete in the one mile swim - with or without a wetsuit, and/or a 3 or 6 mile paddleboard competition. Those who did all three sports competed for the Giant Banana. It was fun to be there and see it all happen.


Jake said...

Awesome. I hope you guys are getting into the swing of things and that Chris enjoys his fellowship.

Melissa said...

cant wait to see conrad jr on one of those boards! i heard some news!!!!!!! thats awesome!! jeff