Monday, July 14, 2008

One of the dumbest moments of my life

I never thought I would be dumb enough to drive into my garage with my bike on top of my car. A week and a half ago I proved myself wrong. I was pulling into the driveway and chatting with Stacey on the phone when I heard a crunch. I was going too fast to stop before I had completely demolished my bike. I saw my wheel hanging off the side of the car and knew I had reached a high point of stupidity. Chris had just pulled in before me so he saw immediately what had happened. I was so embarassed I wanted to hurry and close the garage before any of my neighbors saw what I had done. However, I had dented the garage and knocked it off the tracks so those neighbors I didn't want to see what had happened came over and helped fix the garage. I hid in the house crying over the wreckage. You would have thought my favorite dog had died. After a lot of phone calls and struggling I was able to get an even better bike just in time to go away to California for the weekend. Somehow things always seem to work out.


The Brown's said...

I am so sorry! Reminds me of the time my mom pulled into the garage with her skis on top...she got stuck..I think she was going with your mom maybe. Anyway, gives us somethig to laugh about, right? Glad you have a good husband and neighbors that took care of it.

Jason and Tricia said...

Aww, Paige, I hate to say it, but that's hilarious! SORRY. I know you were upset, but a least you have a funny story to tell now! Lol! Seems like I have MANY of those.... :-S

Heather said...

I'm Sorry too, but that is way funny! It was fun hanging out with you guys the other night...we should do!