Monday, December 1, 2008

Viva Santa Fe!

So Paige and I visited my parents in Santa Fe for Thanksgiving this past weekend. This is a picture of their house with the view of the Sangre de Cristo mountains in the background. They are part of the southern tip of the rockies. Here is another shot of the view:

This place is a photographer's dream every sunrise and sunset, especially when there are clouds around. The colors can be stunning.

We had a great time visiting. We were hoping they'd have more snow to try out the local ski hills, but it was not to be. We're planning on returning a little later in the winter to sample them.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


The Browns said...

Wow those pictures are amazing. Lucky you for being there.

West said...

Looks like a very cool place. When are we going down again?

Kimberly said...

It looks awesome there. Good job on making it to Lewis Peak, Paige. That's a fun ride we've done it a few times. I'm excited to see you guys soon!