Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This past weekend we ran the Ogden marathon, a first for the both of us. Our training started out great over the latter part of the winter but faded towards the end, leaving us with 18.5 miles as the longest training run. We battled some overuse type injuries and upper respiratory infections but for the most part made it through without any major mishaps. Vacations and such got in the way as well, but at the same time allowed us to rest and recover. Paige's parents came to see us finish and took some pictures, but unfortunately there was no memory card in the camera so we have no official documentation. Because of this, I have picked out some representations of the race from Google:

Me (I managed a 3:55, reaching my goal of beating 4 hours):

I tried to find pictures from Ace Ventura (part 2 or 3, I can't remember which) when he has a spear in both thighs but for some reason could not. But that would have expressed my pain so well....

Paige ran a great race, finished in 3:38 and qualified for Boston! We have yet to decide if we'll be able to make it out there next year. Here is my impression of how Paige looked:

We loved being able to do this and we are grateful to have the ability (physical but also time, energy, monetary, etc) to do these fun but punishing things. How else do we discover our limits? How else do we reach our full potential? We have definitely been walking funny these last few days, but as the soreness and fatigue fades the experience becomes more enjoyable in our memory. Funny how that works....


Kimberly said...

Good job! I'm impressed, but not surprised you both did so well!!!! Maybe I should get my butt in gear and qualify for Boston too!

Melissa said...

Ha ha ha Chris, you crack me up! Only because I know exactly how you feel. Great work Paige on Qualifying for Boston! What an accomplishment! You guys did awesome! My goal is to run one in under 4 hours, but I just have to get the courage to sign up for one again. haha! After walking on stiff legs for a week (or two) after the marathon it is hard to think about doing another one! I think for now I am sticking with the Halfs. So glad you two were able to run the Ogden this year (rather than working at it like you did last year). It is a gorgeous run! Way to go!

Jake said...

If you go to Boston maybe we will drive over and meet you. Becky and I were just talking about returning to Boston