Monday, July 19, 2010

California Dreamin'

So, we finally made it to California. Our apartment is pretty nice. We have a pool so I think we should be okay since the weather since we have been here is a toasty 100-plus degrees but feels closer to being within the suns atmosphere. I can literally feel the asphalt melting my leg hairs when I walk across the parking lot. Like most of you, you would think California would be the ideal place to go biking, I too was fooled. Chris and I are still in the search for a bike ride with these requirements: Lightly trafficked, wide shoulder (or any shoulder at all), and no stop signs or signals every block. The population is so dense here it's hard to find any sort of biking haven. Plus, unless we go at 6 am I think our tires would melt.

We're working on adjusting to California life. We have already had a couple of visitors in the short time we have been here. My dad was in LA for a conference the first weekend we were here so we had dinner with him. Alex's wife Marty had a college reunion so we toured her old college and had yogurt with her. We are looking forward to many more visitors in the next year.

Chris is super excited to finally be learning what he is passionate about. It will be great for him to work in what he enjoys. I am trying to get settled and have a few projects of my own that I am working on. I'm still not sure if I am going to get a job and if I do what kind of job it will be. It would just be nice to have someplace I need to be. I have a hard time being at home most of the time so to prevent craziness I just might have to buckle down and be responsible.

In the meantime, we made the most of our visitors and went to Universal Studios with Mom and Jan.


Kimberly said...

Cute posts! I laughed to hear the biking funk; that's how I felt when I moved too! However, I still think KC is the least biker friendly city in the states :) I'm glad to hear you are settling in! I loved seeing your Lake Powell and Bear Lake pictures. All the same people as growing up, just bigger. Talk to you soon!

Roper said...

looks like you guys are having fun- I'm sure the weather will get much better when it's not July, come december you'll be in love with CA weather.

myndie said...

we would love to be one of your visitors. good luck in your new place.

Kristina said...

Fun! California living for the Sonntag cousins this summer! Amen to finding good biking. Adam and I have lucked out with a few rides here in San Jose, but it took some definite trial and error. Good luck!