Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Turkey Day in Arizona

Chris and I traveled to Arizona to spend Thanksgiving at his parents new home. They had moved in just two weeks prior to us getting there and had done a great job at getting settled so quickly. Chris' brother, Joe, and his wife and son were there to help make a nice family celebration.

The only pictures we have are these couple I took while on a run. I thought the cacti were amazing. The really big ones are protected by the state of Arizona so they are everywhere. They get amazingly huge and it takes a lot of years to get there. Also on my run 4 coyotes meandered right where I was planning to run next. Not knowing much about coyotes and human attacks I decided to end my run there - just in case. I figured being pregnant I would be a pretty easy target and could feed all four. My sister did some research and found that coyote attacks are rare and only usually happen to dogs and once in a blue moon to little kids that resemble small dogs. I'm safe, but still...

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