Monday, November 15, 2010

Why do Californians have big trucks?

You may have already seen this picture on Chris' facebook page. Chris can't understand why anyone in California needs a huge truck. In his mind they are big, loud, use up a lot of gas, take up extra parking spaces, get in his way when driving on the freeway, and people in California obviously don't use them for hauling stuff. So why have one? I'm supposing he thinks everyone should have a small convertible sports car or motorcycle to fit the SoCal style. One thing is for sure, though. We haven't seen one other car here that looks like Chris' subaru with the sticker-laden rocket box on top. It makes it easy to find our car in the giant parking lots.


Courtney said...

I'm sure the people of California are thinking why does every car with Utah plates have a cracked windshield ;)

Dang road construction!

Kimberly said...

I'm so glad I got to see you Paige! I'm laughing at all your posts. I feel the same way about big trucks in KC. I really hate socks with holes too; but we wouldn't have to get news ones as often if I had Chris's philosphy. Good job in the tri Chris and you took great photos Paige.